Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dog Day Afternoon

I loved this movie, not only the fact it was a true event, but it was well portrayed. Now as to whether the way the characters were portrayed was true is a different story. But what really stuck out to me was how Sonny reacted to all the police. The large mob there to serve and protect with a gun in their hand. It was kind of ironic; they’re trying to keep everyone calm, especially Sonny and Sal, yet they have a hundred police officers in bulletproof vests, helmets, and all kinds of safety gear. You have to think who is really safe? Hopefully the Police are aiming to keep everyone alive, but couldn’t make matters worse with the unnecessary volume of police and guns. How can anyone remain calm with hundreds of guns aimed at you from every angle? Especially after telling them to put their weapons down, it took numerous yells from the lead officer. He practically had to physically force their weapons down. It seemed that shooting was inevitable, the police felt something was going it happen and they would be the one to make the move.
It was only appropriate that Sonny started to yell, Attica! Stressing the power-hungry police force. Simple men tasked with a large responsibility, keeping the peace, to protect and serve.

1 comment:

  1. I think some of the harshest commentary of this film surround the American justice system and the issue of excess- excess guns, excess vests etc...
    Who is really being protected here?
